Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Can Impotence Be Treatable?

Some experts believe impotence affects between 10 and 15 million American men. In 1985, the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey counted 525,000 doctor office visits for erectile dysfunctions. Impotence usually has a physical cause : such as disease, injury or drug side effects.

Any disorder that impairs blood flow in the penis has the potential to cause impotence. Incidence rises with age: about 5 percent of men at the age of 40 and between 15 and 25 percent of men at the age of 65 experience impotence. However, it is not an inevitable part of aging. Medical treatment using generic Levitra, generic Viagra and generic Cialis are now FDA-approved oral prescription medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. It is available in 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg, and 20mg tablets. In clinical trials in the general ED population, medications improved erections for a majority of men. A lot of men who took generic Viagra, generic Cialis and generic Levitra were satisfied the first time they used it.

The Fact is Impotence is usually treatable in all age groups and awareness of this fact has been growing. More men have been seeking help and returning to near-normal sexual activity because of improved, successful treatments for impotence. Urologists, who specialize in problems of the urinary tract, have traditionally treated impotence - especially complications of impotence.

Generic Viagra contains Sildenafil Citrate enables many men with ED to respond to sexual stimulation. When a man is sexually aroused, the arteries in the penis relax and widen, allowing more blood to flow into the penis. With more blood flowing in and less flowing out, the penis enlarges, resulting in an erection. generic Cialis Soft Tabs are a faster acting Cialis solution. A generic cialis Soft Tab is an oral lozenge, mint in flavor, containing pure Tadalafil Citrate that is placed under your tongue and dissolved. This method allows for the medicine to enter your blood stream much faster than digesting a pill. For men who need to wait 60 or 90 minutes when taking generic Cialis in a pill form, you can now experience results in 15 minutes or less when using a Soft Tab.

Take generic viagra about 15 minutes to 20 minutes before you plan to have sex. generic Viagra can help you get an erection if you are sexually excited. If you take Generic Viagra after a high-fat meal (such as fish & chips, cheeseburger or French fries), the medicine may take a little longer to start working. generic Viagra can help you get an erection when you are sexually excited.

You can buy Cialis Soft Tabs here


an eye or cut off an arm or two. the ones where they kill you. prime time, baby."
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