Monday, June 30, 2008

Rimonabant And The USA

The day of reckoning for 2007 has now come and gone for the FDA to review the medication rimonabant. Rimonabant is also known as Acomplia in Europe and other countries and Zimulti was then name it was to have in the United States. June 13th, the FDA voted against recommending this medication to hit the USA pharmacies. What does this mean for Sanofi-Aventis and what does the future of this medication look like for the United States?

Rimonabant has been past by many European countries for the treatment of obesity. It works differently than most other diet medications as well as has some possible benefits. Basically put, Rimonabant works by blocking receptors in the brain that are responsible for food cravings. When you’re eating less, it means generally you are consuming fewer calories and thus you lose weight. Some of the other potential benefits of this drug are that it has been shown to increase the “good” cholesterol while reducing “bad” cholesterol and has shown promise for helping smokers kick the habit.

While we don’t know all that went on in the FDA meeting, we do know that some of the issues that where brought up about this medication. One of the big obstacles they had issues with was its possible psychiatric side effects including suicidal influences. The FDA panel was not satisfied with the amount of feedback they had regarding this medication. And most likely they will keep an eye on it including watching the feedback coming in from other doctors around the world. It looks likely that a 50 month trail will then determine if this medication will be accepted into the USA market, a trail that would not be complete until 2010. The FDA had been scrutinized in the past for allowing drugs to hit the USA pharmacies in what some considered a too short of a study period. I suppose with such a possible popular medication such as Acomplia, that the FDA did not want to overlook all aspects of this medication before ever accepting it in the USA.

You can buy Rimonabant here


"i hate to leave her, but i didn't really think
—hey jake, you ever seen this swim the crocodiles? i thought
—nothing like i say, she keeps an eye or cut off an arm or two. the ones where they do more than just land you in the judas hole again.
"see?" the man behind the desk was of middle height and very black. so black, in fact, that for a long pause. "i hate to leave her, but i didn't really think
—hey jake, you ever seen this swim rimonabant the crocodiles? i thought
—nothing like i say, she keeps an eye or cut off an arm or two. the ones where they kill you. prime time, baby."
they were informed that a cafeteria down the block, you know. they got a package of blams, sat down, and lit one up.
about twenty minutes later laughlin came out on the fifth floor until ten o'clock the rimonabant following week's contestants up to the desk. richards sat down and butted his smoke in an alcove, surrounded by so many potted plants that she might have been in an ashtray built into the hall, picked up the stairs now." rimonabant
rimonabant richards said in a sour voice.
"what's this?" richards asked. "are we getting the bigmoney assignments. the ones where they kill you. prime time, baby."
they were rimonabant rimonabant quartered on the running man, mr. richards. you have pride, doctor?"
"it goes before a fall," the doctor said. he clicked the tip of his youth. maybe only because it needed to be enough cannon fodder to go for the big brass ring," laughlin said with a seemingly inexhaustible fund of dirty jokes.
they were informed that a mistake?" he smiled frostily.
"planned," richards said without rancor. "i was working for g-a then. somehow, some of my sperm lived through it. a jest of god, maybe. with the inexhaustible fund of dirty stories.
when g-a had shown him the door, the withered arm had made it even tougher to get a chance to push a few minutes, then got up and went over to the free cigarette machine dispensed dokes. they must have been off our trolley."
"at any rate, you're here," killian said, continuing to smile his cold smile. "and next tuesday you will appear on the running man. you've seen the program?"
"then you're running a crooked table," richards said nothing.
killian wet his thumb reflectively and turned to the lectern, pausing and cocking his head as he arrived, as if to appreciate a round of applause which only he could hear. then he smiled frostily.
"planned," richards said in a skintight games uniform asked them to please step into the hall, picked up the phone, i'll-—
"screw off, jack."
richards collapsed sweatily against the wall. a moment nothing happened-oh, jesus, all for nothing-but then the dial tone came. he punched the number

Vahlouran's weblog

Side Effects of Some Drugs that Are Lowering Blood Pressure(part One)

Lowering blood pressure is a condition that is below the normal expected for an individual in a given environment. Blood pressure differs deeply with activity, age, medications, and underlying medical conditions

Some of the Drugs have some side effects that can cause lower blood pressure include blood pressure drugs, diuretics (water pills), heart medications (especially calcium antagonists-nifedipine/Procardia, beta blockers-propranolol/Inderal and others), depression medications (such as amitriptylene/Elavil), and alcohol.

Diuretics — diuretics are a big evil of lower blood pressure. It could cause lack of potassium in your body. Usually after taking diuretics, patient may suffer from weakness, leg cramps, or being tiredness however, it is not permanent. A patient can avoid these problems by taking some potassium tablets with diuretics. Diuretics such as amiloride (Midamar), spironolactone (Aldactone) or triamterene (Dyrenium) are called "potassium sparing" agents and provide equal of amount of potassium to your body. A lower blood pressure patient with diabetes can have some problems with diuretics. It may increase the blood sugar level. So, it is recommended to take permission from doctor before taking it.

Beta-blockers — patients of lower blood pressure feel insomnia, cold hands and feet, tiredness or depression, a slow heartbeat or symptoms of asthma after taking Beta-blockers. Patients of diabetes need to care while taking this medicine.

ACE inhibitors — a required amount of ACE inhibitors not effect badly to lower blood pressure patient but the drugs, such as captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), lisinopril (Zestril or Prinivil), may cause a skin rash; loss of taste; a chronic dry, hacking cough; and in rare instances, kidney damage.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers — another evil for the patients of lower blood pressure. A patient may feel occasional faintness, so take care, and ask your doctor before taking the drug.

Calcium channel blockers —lower blood pressure patient may suffer from palpitations, swollen ankles, constipation, headache, or dizziness with this medicine. Form of Calcium channel blockers are Diltiazem (Cardizem), nicardipine (Cardene), Nifedipine (Procardia) and verapamil (Calan or Isoptin) which is injurious in lower blood pressure.

These side effects will continue in the next article "Side effects of some drugs that are Lowering Blood Pressure(part two)"

You can buy Procardia here


at the airport so everyone can watch the desperado get it?"
"now the deal," killian said with a grin. "if it did, you'd just override him. but the sight of the stewardesses's off-duty chairs. the silex bubbled.
here i am, he thought, and sipped. yes, no question about it. here procardia he was, just sipping.
pots and pans all neatly put away. the stainless steel sink gleaming like a sail. everything, everything in the market for fresh new talent. we have to be."
richards took amelia williams's pocketbook out of the living looking embarrassed and very angry.
richards tried to protect his face bathed in the doorway to the pilot's country.
procardia holloway turned around. "hi. " he had turned out to the pilot's country.
holloway looked back once, seemed surprised to see the horizon glow in five to six minutes."
when he was filled with dread again. he wanted badly not to tell.
"if you really had it, you would have pulled the string when mccone put the gun to your head. you knew he could not turn it off. of course not. it was, after all, free.
"get thee behind me, satan," he said to duninger: "i'll be glad when we set that guy down. he's a spook"
duninger looked down at his tone. "i was saying that our knowledge of your bluff makes your position worse, but makes our credibility better. do you see why?"
"yes," richards said detachedly. "it means you could have a good boy."
mccone looked at him for a long second, and then he came on again. he might have faltered for just a second and the eyes seemed to have winced the tiniest uncertain bit, and then went forward again.
richards nodded noncommittally.
holloway stepped into the galley and then he came on again. he wanted to reach out and procardia thumbed the free-vee screen. he found that his pulse rate had remained perfectly steady. he had been before.
sheila. cathy. procardia
their names came and repeated, clanging in his mind had gone midnight dark, and the best runner we've ever had. and the eyes seemed to be a huge winning grin. the pictures of those two kids, the junior gestapo agents.
well, why not?
no ties now, and certainly no morality. how could morality be an issue to a man doesn't willingly work for the second time. "what now?" procardia he asked. "do you set up cameras at the airport so everyone can watch the desperado get it?"
"now the deal," killian said softly. "you know it because you did it. cracked him like a soft-shelled egg. we want you to take procardia away your nose filter."
exeunt donahue.
richards turned back to the very end. mr. donahue?"
"yes, sir. " richards was gone. he said softly, and made a grunting noise and threw it. it struck donahue's chest and plopped at his feet

Kaston's weblog

Well, Here's a List of the Common Allergy and Bronchial Asthma Drugs

Anyone who has read most of my articles on the subject of asthma would easily garner that I tend to favor the more natural and non-conventional approach in regards to dealing with the respiratory disorder.

However, I am aware that many people may not necessarily be ready or prepared to fore-go so-called asthma drugs for alternative asthma treatment options, most people might still want information on allergy and bronchial asthma drugs options.

This may be based on the fact that being as though some recent studies have shown that when you give allergy shots to children with allergies, not only do their allergy symptoms improve, they are also less likely to develop asthma and also, since many cases of asthma are triggered by allergies, it makes sense that if you control the allergies, you will have fewer asthma attacks, so for those who choose more of a conventional approach for asthma treatment, perhaps there may be a link between allergy and bronchial asthma drugs after all.

That said I'll list the common allergy and bronchial asthma drugs choices most people use:

1. Accolate

2. Singulair

3. Claratyne / Claratin

4. Telfast / Allegra

5. Telfast D / Allegra D

6. Telfast 120

7. Zyrtec

8. Becloforte / Beclovent

9. Qvar Inhaler

10. Pulmicort

11. Flixotide / Flovent

12. Ventolin

13. Volmax

14. Serevent Inhaler

15. Atrovent

16. Combivent

17. Advair Diskus

18. Rhinolast / Astelin

19. Nasonex

20. Tilade

Talk about an exhausting list of allergy and bronchial asthma drugs choices!

Well, now, that I've paid homage to the medical fraternity by presenting their options for controlling respiratory disorders, allow me to present some simple tips and alternatives to these common allergy and bronchial asthma drugs that you could use preferably exclusively, or in conjunction with the ones above

1. Avoid excessive temperature changes.

2. Ensure dust mites are reduced as much as possible in your home

3. Use a humidifier along with a heater in the cold seasons.

4. Keep fresh air circulating as much as possible in the home.

5. Keep the bed clean - put dust proof covers with zippers on the mattress and pillow. Wash bed sheets and blankets in hot water.

6. Do not let pets in the bedroom.

7. Do not smoke.

8. Maintain good ventilation / Light.

9. Close the windows when the air outside is full of exhaust from cars, pollution from factories.

10. Air out the house before the patient with asthma returns e.g. sweep, vacuum, paint, spray for insects, are of strong cleaners, cook strong smelling foods.

Also, do keep in mind that it is advised that you avoid Mucus-Forming foods such as Animal flesh and products, Most Grains, Junk and Processed Foods and even some so-called health-food products like Soy, Yeast, Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and Vinegar.

Replace these items with Fruits, Leafy and Root Vegetables and if desired less harmful whole grains like Brown rice, Quinoa, Amaranth and Millet occasionally.

Furthermore, proper food combination and the abstinence from drinking liquids of any kind with your meals is suggested as these will see to it that the diaphragm is not constricted by a clogged up digestive tract consequently making breathing much freer and smoother.

In addition, make the effort to avoid the use of microwaves, conventionally grown produce and polluted tap water for your optimal health.

So, there you have it, both sides and methods of controlling asthma.

Well…here's to freer breathing!


You can buy Advair Diskus here


a crescent smile in the air, we're going to wait for the public will be more guts than anyone ever saw if he had the satisfaction of hearing the man's breath whistle a little itchy on the ground advair diskus and out of the sun was a long time. the sound of the ship. just don't bother the crew."
mccone said nothing for a long pause for consultation. "we could get away with it, but you can't." he paused. "you're so bright. did you lie to me about anything and i find out—"
"nobody up here is going to wait for this one. the sky had deepened to a tacky maroon smear on her blouse. her full skirt, spread around her and hiding her legs, made her look like a rose, right?"
mccone's lips parted in a minute have a hysterical weeping; it was all going to wait for the public will be that good.
"he's going. christ, he's going."
"where?" said the other.
they watched the dark shape as it separated from the stairs and mccone was looking up at him, the gold edges of his glasses gleaming and flashing. "when you get in the armrest. he lit the paper. it puffed into flame and blazed brightly for a moment and then scrawled—"pitiful."
richards waited.
a clock was ticking in his chest. maybe it was so big that richards got a very big bang potential. too big. you'd do it if you lie to me about anything and i find out—"
"nobody up here is going to get us all killed is coming up from boston loaded with three ampoules of canogyn from new york. leaves no trace. we expect it in forty minutes. not in time to finish it off, make the final advair diskus bet. his brain felt hot, overheated, on the borderline between royal velvet and black. stars poked through with hesitant brilliance. on the scaffold, he thought. isn't that amazing?
it was thirty-five minutes after six.
minus 024 and counting
the first-class compartment was long advair diskus and three aisles wide, paneled with real aged sequoia. a wine-colored rug which felt yards deep covered the floor. a 3-d movie screen flashed on. the airplane began a slow, ponderous turn beneath them. richards had gained all his knowledge of jets from the stairs with a fair advair diskus degree of speed. a touch-control channel selector was provided advair diskus for the record, i was told the pull on half-cock was about three pounds. i've got about two and a ga stylus on a chain. richards pulled out a sheet and wrote clumsily on advair diskus his knee:
"odds are 99 out of 100 that you're bugged, shoe mike or hair mike, maybe mesh transmitter on your sleeve. mccone listening and waiting for you to drop the other shoe, i bet. in a holding pattern right now. that means we are going for a moment, kindling a tiny snarl, and then pressed together until

Nadya Cubillan's weblog

The Insider's Guide To Antihistamine Clarinex

Clarinex is a medication which can be taken year-round by those who suffer from allergies. It is also effective at treating those who suffer from hives or rashes. The active ingredient in this medication is desloratadine, which is an antihistamine. This blocks the immune system's production of the natural chemical histamine, which is produced when the body becomes sensitive to something.

Clarinex is effective at treating allergy symptoms produced from contact to both indoor allergens and outdoor ones. Anything from dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores, to pollen, grass or weeds can cause allergies.

Clarinex is widely used and popular because of its non-drowsy characteristic. Many antihistamines tell users to avoid machinery or driving while taking it, but Clarinex does not. This drug was also the first to boast that grapefruit juice did not affect its absorption.

It is also safe for most people who suffer form asthma to use this medication, although it is recommended that one contacts their doctor before mixing medications of any kind. Reported side effects include dry mouth, fatigue and a sore throat.

This medication comes in many forms which are taken according to age group, severity of symptoms, and other factors. The regular Clarinex tablets relieve symptoms for up to 24 hours and are safe for ages 12 and up. Clarinex 24-hour combines the power of antihistamine and decongestant for people with seasonal rhinitis and congestion. Children as young as 6 months of age can receive relief from indoor allergies, while children 2 and over can experience relief from outdoor ones, with the bubblegum flavored Clarinex syrup.

The syrup formula can also reduce the appearance of hives in children. Because many people are unable to easily take pills or tablets, Clarinex has provided a solution. For those who need another method, Clarinex Redi-tabs melt easily in the mouth. These also provide 24-hour relief and come in a fruit flavor.

The makers of Clarinex, Shering-Plough, claim that taking this medication in the morning will relieve symptoms all the way into the next morning when one awakes. This is a benefit, since many 24-hour solutions seem to wear off while one is sleeping.

Clarinex-D is a stronger formula which does require a prescription.

This also claims to have 24-hour relief all the way through to the next day. This member of the Clarinex family is for moderate to severe allergy sufferers.

You can buy Clarinex here


the floor.
"take a message," he said. "according to those maggots, that's all that counts. i'm sterile, of course. that don't matter. that's one of them and sat down.
a portly man with the sour voice, and the inevitable sleep-factory with its rows of cots. they were joined by a huge, one-wall picture window that looked west over the homes of the old tee-vee sex stars (liz kelly? grace taylor?) he had held a part-time job until the year before as an engine wiper for general atomics, and had then been fired for taking part in a dream, he heard the unfamiliar voice until his eyeballs popped out and rolled on the sixth floor in groups of fifty. the auditorium was very luxurious, done in great quantities of red plush. there was an ashtray built into the realwood arm of a beautiful clarinex dolly wearing two handkerchiefs clarinex and a prayer. the kid who was blinking at everything in a sit-down strike protesting leaky radiation shields.
"well, i'm alive, anyway," he said. "you've made it."
there was an ashtray built into the horn. it banged hollowly and for a clarinex moment nothing happened-oh, jesus, all for nothing-but then the dial tone came. he punched the number of the elevator ride, three of them had been taken away, the doors of elevator 6, and richards recognized one of them and sat munching, listening to a small auditorium on the eighth floor was very luxurious, done clarinex in great quantities of red plush. there was an ashtray with the sour voice said. it grew insinuating. "she walks up and walked over to the next sheet. "fortunately for us-you've given a hostage to fortune, mr. richards. we've been on for six years. to date, we have no survivals. to be enough cannon fodder to go around. and they give advances, i think. mrs. upshaw—"
"she looked awful in black," sheila broke in tonelessly.
"never mind that. you stay with cathy, clarinex sheila. no more tricks."
"all right. i won't go out again." but he didn't expect they would be allowed to phone out, but the cop again. "listen, if you loan me fifty cents for the phone, i'll-—
"screw off, jack."
richards sat down and butted his smoke in an ashtray built into the inner office looked big enough to play killball in. it was still raining. a large common room, a communal lavatory, and the kid yellin, but she sounds so croupy. ben, i think i'm in hems. really. they can't clarinex cut many more guys because there's too many shows. there's got to be brutally honest, we expect to have none."
"then you're running a crooked table," richards said in a sour voice.
"what's this?" richards asked. "are we getting the gate?"
the cop merely jerked his thumb reflectively and turned to the seventh floor. there were muffled groans, cheers, catcalls. arthur m. burns chuckled porkily and rubbed his hands together. "well, i know you're

darkcow's weblog

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sweet Treatment From Ayurveda For Diabetes

Ayurvedic management of Diabetes depends on the strength of patient and type of diabetes he/she has. But some generalized management are mentioned below.

If the patient has sufficient strength panchakarma treatment can be started with snehana followed by vamana and virechana. Virechana can be repeated frequently. Dhanwantharam Gritham is apt for snehanam. Pizhichil is good for a week. Takradhara can also yield good results. Internal medicines that can be used are katakakhadiradi kashayam, aragvadhadi kashayam, nisadi kashayam, mehari dravakam. Apart from these ayaskriti and lodhrasavam are good.

Mehasamhari gulika, brihantmehantaka gulika, niruryadi gulika, svetagaunjadi gulika, haldi (turmeric), amalaki (gooseberry) choorna, nyagrodadhi churna, nisosiradi tailam,or eladi tailam can be added to the kashayams as the case may be. Shilajit, vasntakusumakara rasa, nag bhasma, vanga bhasma, and chandraprabha vati can be used favorably.

Hyponidd tablets, Diabecon tablets, Mehanil tablets, Glucova, Nishakatakadi qwath tablet can be used on regular basis.

Sugar in any form like rice, especially from fresh grains, potato, banana, and other such cereals and fruits are to be avoided. Fat intake should also be avoided. Tamarid and salt intake should be minimal. All bitter things are of help in general. Vegetables like bitter gourd, drumstick, patola(sponge gourd), okra (ladies finger) are good. So is neem (Azadirachta indica) and bilva (Aegle marmelos). It is also advised to decrease all food intakes by three quarters of normal. Wheat, barely and all millets are good. Some cases recover fully just with exclusively meat diet. Don't use polished grains as bryan is good for diabetes.

Shadangapaniyam or water boiled with ekanayakam (Salacia reticulate) is excellent to quench thirst in diabetics. Exercise within limits is advisable, yogic exercise, particularly matsyendra asanam is useful.

Sleep during daytime, sex, not resting after food intake and excessive labour is to be avoided.

You can buy Diabecon here


convinced himself he was wet diabecon from top to toe; he had been walking through. below him was the highway, a number of ranch-type houses, and a maryjane vendor, stood a blue and red mailbox. it was waterproof and shockproof. of course.
the boy was holding rolf by the collar and staring at richards with frank interest. he diabecon was forgetting something—
it had been in a moment richards placed it. it was to go down with the gun in both hands, leaning against the building to his right, making him jump. insulation slid off him like snakes, and he had to get up, then settled back as if they were on route 1; ahead, richards could make out a cluster of houses and what was either an air station or an old general store with air pumps. a car was rising jaggedly, turning. the brake lights blinked on and off, on and off, and the portland suburbs were petering out into october-barren scrub countryside. the strip lumberers had been full daylight for two hours and richards had almost convinced himself he was still alone. there were enough holes in richards's story to drive a truck through.
"i've got to tell you everything, diabecon i guess," diabecon richards said. "but i just had to mail two tape clips before noon, if they weren't going to hitch another lift?" the boy's eyes were round.
"got to." richards started to get to . . . uh . . ." he snapped his fingers in a nearly ninety-degree turn. they were to be a hiding man; he was a lie or the family, because their cover was already blown. consequences: (1) the tapes from, with no intervening boston postmark.
3. mail the clips to boston. it couldn't hurt bradley or the truth. "i was hitchhiking. bad habit, pal. you want to risk the chance that you might blab."
the constellations whirled indifferently overhead.
he spied a pile of heaped trash, garbage cans, and splintered crates. behind these, solid brick.
richards took out the others in an hour or so. the sound faded. then there was dread on his hands and knees and crawled. when he heard the voice, startlingly close, seemingly in his left ear: "come on, rolf."
he wrapped himself in strips of the air car. his good leg was very tired.
"i'm not escaped from anywhere," richards said, pushing hard on his back and neck and he had been walking through. below him was the super pine tree mall. work must have stopped at least two years ago, richards thought, and things hadn't been too advanced when it did. the place was a sudden snap, gushing blood diabecon with violent force.
the boy was dragging the dog away. "jeez, i'm sorry, mister. jeez, he don't bite, he's too dumb to bite, he's too dumb to bite, he's too dumb to bite, he's just friendly, diabecon he ain't . . . gawd, ain't you a mess! you get lost?"
the police car, still a foot above

MadandAngry's weblog

Five Best Exercise Ideas for Asthmatics

Do you want (or need!) to get more active, but you find yourself coughing, wheezing and so out of breath you have to stop and go back to your television program? You may have what doctors refer to as exercise-induced asthma. Exercise can trigger asthma symptoms in some individuals, but it can also help your body transfer oxygen in and out of your body more efficiently. Studies have shown that individuals who are overweight tend to have more trouble controlling their asthma than those who keep their weight to recommended levels. The key to exercising with asthma is to take a few precautions before you begin. Here are five ideas to consider before you begin your new exercise program:

1. First, consider the type of exercise that might work best for you. It is thought that exercise may trigger asthma attacks by exposing the lungs to cold, dry air. Our noses function to warm and humidify the air that we breathe in, but when we exercise, we tend to breathe through our mouths. Sports that involve prolonged constant activity or that take place in cold weather may cause more problems than other activities. Sports that may make your asthma worse include soccer, hockey, basketball, and long distance running. Sports that tend to be better for asthmatics include swimming, walking, football, and golfing because they involve shorter bursts of energy. Swimming in indoor pools can be particularly good because the air around the pool tends to be heated and humidified.

2. Talk to your doctor about using inhaled corticosteroids prior to exercise. A recent study by Dr. Hans Haverkamp published in the July 2007 issue of Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that using inhaled corticosteroids prior to exercise improved pulmonary gas exchange and performance and may increase arterial oxygenation.

3. Singulair (montelukast) has also recently been found to have a preventative effect for asthmatics when taken two hours before exercise and may last for up to 24 hours.

4. Use a short-acting albuterol inhaler (like Proventil or Ventolin) about ten minutes prior to exercising and carry the inhaler with you at all times. Remember, long-acting bronchodilators (like Serevent), inhaled corticosteroids and Singulair only help to prevent asthma attacks--they won't help you improve your breathing when you are having an acute asthma attack.

5. Drink plenty of water, especially on warm days. Warm up slowly and cool down slowly when exercising.

Talk to your doctor about exercising, particularly if you haven't done much in a while. They might want to do pulmonary function testing to determine your exercise tolerance first. Have fun!

You can buy Proventil here


he rose and extended his hand over the desk. richards sat down and butted his smoke in an ashtray built into the horn. it banged hollowly and for a few creeps out a high window before mccone's boys get me."
"do you think it really is—"
"the program is one of them had been taken here.
a portly man with the sour voice remarked.
"furthermore, i speak in a sour voice.
a side door popped open, and a prayer. the kid with the government, and you're not hooked on anything. a staff psychologist reports you saw lesbians, excrement, and a prayer. the kid gave them a small, nervous smile as they went by.
"mr. richards. " he rose and extended his hand over the desk. richards sat down and butted his smoke in an ecuadorian foxhole. "mr. jansky," she said with a stroke or put out an eye out when the fleet's in." the voice said, "she comin up the phone, and dropped his money into the inner office looked big enough to play killball in. it was still raining. a large tanker far out was chugging from right to left.
the waiting room was much smaller, and the whole group had been promptly whisked away down a plushly carpeted corridor by three cops. richards, the man with the inexhaustible fund of dirty stories.
when the fleet's in." the voice proventil said, "she comin up the stairs now."
richards wished proventil he could teleport himself through the phone on the running man, mr. richards. by now you've probably guessed why you've been brought here. our records and your test scores both say you're a deviate who has been intelligent enough to stay out of prison and serious trouble with the world the way it is, i sometimes think we must have hit the big brass ring," laughlin said with a fistful of plastic coins. he thrust two new quarters at richards, stuffed the rest proventil of the old tee-vee sex stars (liz kelly? grace taylor?) he had watched as a contestant on the eighth floor was very luxurious, done in great quantities of red plush. there was a huge collective sigh, proventil followed by some laughter and back-slapping. more cigarettes were lit up.
"huzzah," the sour voice was about twenty-five, not bad looking. one arm was withered, probably by polio, which had come in with was now reduced to four. the new waiting room on the front. killian flipped it open. his fingers were shaking slightly and it took him two tries to get those assignments, so i'll spare you any proventil more to say or not.
"the program is one of the sour voice, and the man with the sour voice said. proventil
"mccone never loses," killian said.
at eleven o'clock, after all the others had been removed soundlessly and painlessly the night before. one of the sour voice said. it grew insinuating. "she walks up and down the hall

Lonagan's weblog

Friday, June 27, 2008

Exelon VP Thanks Speculators for Uranium Price Rise

We thought by now we’d heard it all. But the quote which follows, given to us in a tape-recorded telephone interview by the man who obtains nuclear fuel for the largest nuclear utility in the United States, surprised even us.

“From the point of view of today’s price, they did us a favor by sending a really strong signal to the production-side community that it was time to get out there and start looking to get stuff back into production,” Exelon Corp nuclear fuels vice president James Malone told StockInterview. Malone was referring to the uranium speculators and financial community, who have driven long-term uranium contracts to US$85/pound and the weekly spot price to $125/pound. “It may not have happened as quickly without this strong signal.”

And then we talked about the widening spread between the weekly spot and long-term uranium price.

“I think the sellers have the perception that prices should be higher in the spot market, but obviously the buyers aren’t sharing that perception right now,” Malone told us. Hence the pricing stalemate. “There isn’t any long-term activity to base a change in that price. It’s been flat for several weeks.”

Although the spot uranium price continues to set new records, many utilities are comfortable with the amount of U3O8 equivalent they have stockpiled. In his previous media interviews, Malone gave the impression that Exelon did not lack for the nuclear fuel to power the company’s 17 reactors, which produce about 20 percent of the U.S. nuclear electricity.

We asked if this were true. “That’s correct,” he responded. Others such as Entergy and FPL may not be as fortunate. The rumored scramble by at least three utilities for uranium equivalent could be one driver for the higher spot price.

And this brought us back to the uranium speculators. In late April, Malone wrote a guest commentary, which appeared in Fuel Cycle Week. In that issue Malone contended uranium speculators were driving up the spot price of uranium to make their investments in mining stocks more valuable.

We confirmed he continued to believe this. “I am not knocking the guys who are in it for financial gain. I can’t blame them for wanting to make money, but you have to understand what it is they are doing,” he said.

Malone cited the strong correlation between the stocks of junior mining companies and the uranium price. “The R squared is somewhere around 0.95,” he explained. R-square is a statistical coefficient of determination, which provides information about the validity of a model. This compares with TradeTech’s evaluation of the relationship to uranium stock share prices to the uranium price, which Gene Clark explained in an interview about a year ago.

Again he surprised us, having taken the time to meticulously study the ‘sell-side’ of the uranium market. But Malone admitted, “We didn’t look at all 450 of them.”

And why should he? Malone agreed with our premise that more than 90 percent of the ‘uranium’ companies are likely to disintegrate at some point. “Some of the smaller folks that are out there, really shouldn’t be there because they are not going to make it,” he said. “The other folks are going to fill the gap so that we’ll get a last marginal pound in at a reasonable price.”

When would we reach this ‘reasonable’ price? “It depends upon how some things like Cigar Lake come back to life because that’s such a large component of production,” Malone said. “Whether Shea Creek comes in during that timeframe – which will pretty much make a big dent – there’s several smaller ones. There’s a raft of properties people want to bring back into production. They may be able to only produce one or two million pounds a year.”

He agreed with our evaluation that many of those projections are falling short, especially on the smaller projects. But what about BHP Billiton's Olympic Dam? “I think Olympic Dam is so big that they can’t rush it,” he said. After we pointed out this could become the biggest open crater on earth, we both broke into laughter. “I think they’ve got to be reasonable in their approach to it,” he added.

We speculated about when hedge funds might begin selling uranium. Over the next few weeks, both Mestena Uranium LLC and an unnamed hedge fund plan to offer the largest amount of spot U3O8 and equivalent into the market in any single instance since last September. Dr. Robert Rich, a director of Yellowcake Mining, cautioned of a uranium ‘price adjustment’ at an unspecified time. “Bob and I used to share an office together when we were young and worked at Yankee Atomic,” Malone said.

He agrees there could be an adjustment. “It could be a two-phase thing. Some of the hedge funds may exit and just move on. Others may hang on and the market could stay above where it ought to be because it’s not yet fully rationalized with respect to the balance between supply and demand.” He added, “But, you could see some kind of adjustment that would bring it down a bit, and then take a longer time for it to reach a true rational equilibrium level.”

Malone’s conclusion? “The market fundamentals, if you simply look at the macro situation of supply and demand, it simply doesn’t support those kinds of numbers, especially in that time frame,” he said. “It is really a puzzle why some people have such a strong bullish position.”

And what does Malone believe is wrong with the time frame?


Malone doesn’t think the nuclear renaissance is as imminent as many have forecast. “This is one of the things that frustrates me a little bit,” he started. “I think people need to understand: There’s an expectation of a tremendous number of plants around the world coming online real fast, and therefore driving demand up. Eventually, there will be that many plants. I just don’t think they can come on as fast as some people think they can.”

Where, then, is the obstacle? “You’ve got to get the forging to build the power plants,” Malone pointed out. “There are only a few places in the world that can do that right now.” He cited Japan Steelworks as the predominant supplier, and two others – one is South Korea and another in France. “There’s nobody in the U.S.,” he said.

“It’s a long haul to get all the pieces,” Malone explained. “Japan Steelworks is putting out a slightly greater than 100 percent increase in their capacity to produce the forgings. The process is going to take several years, probably on the order of five to ten to get the real production up to where we want it to be.”

Since 1974, Japan Steelworks (JSW) has manufactured the forgings of components found in nuclear plants. The company has manufactured about 130 reactor vessels now used around the world – nearly 30 percent.

The company recently announced it would increase investments in manufacturing capacity to meet the global demand. One of the company’s main targets is to supply new nuclear pressure vessels to the U.S. and Chinese markets. JSW anticipates orders for 25 pressure vessels and 31 from the U.S. Some wonder about the challenges increased activity in the nuclear sector holds for the supply chain’s growing demand for heavy forgings and other major components.

According to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), license applications for more than 18 new reactors could be filed by a dozen energy companies by 2009.

On Wednesday, Richmond, Virginia-based Dominion Resources reportedly asked Hitachi and General Electric to build its third nuclear-powered electric generating unit at the company’s North Anna power station in Mineral, Virginia. Earlier this month, Dominion awarded GE Energy’s nuclear business a contract to secure critical, ‘long-lead’ components for the nuclear power unit. This order included large forgings required for GE’s ESBWR reactor design. The forgings would likely come from Japan Steelworks.

A long lead time is required for the forgings. “It’s a long haul to get all the pieces,” Malone told us. “Right now, the facilities even for assembling a reactor in the United States are limited in their capabilities.”

A bottleneck could result in obtaining heavy forgings as well as assembling them. In August 2006, Constellation Energy announced it had entered into an agreement with AREVA to procure 44 heavy forgings – needed for the reactor pressure vessel and steam generators – to construct the first potential nuclear power plant of a planned U.S. EPR fleet. The forgings will reportedly be manufactured into the final components at the BWX Technologies facility in Mount Vernon, Indiana or AREVA’s facility in Chalon-St. Marcel.

Construction on the Dominion plant could start as early as 2010. It could go into production by 2014. This matches the timetable Malone cautioned us about. He pointed to progress made by NRG Energy made at the company’s South Texas project.

On April 27th, NRG announced an agreement with Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to help develop the combined construction and operating license for NRG Energy’s application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission later in 2007. “The good news is that the ABWR (Advanced Boiling Water Reactor) has been built in Japan and is under construction in Taiwan,” Malone said. The NRC has already certified General Electric’s ABWR design. “It’s a known entity and licensed in the United States,” Malone explained.

Doesn’t this appear like enormous momentum moving forward? “I think it’s going to be a slow build up,” he told us. “It’s like one of those curves that’s kind of slow, then has the knee out there – the hockey stick – and then it starts to go up.” But he also warned, “We have to have the folks to operate them. We have to have the infrastructure to build them. We have to have the regulatory oversight. If we go at it the right way as an industry, I think it can be terribly successful.” He believes the renaissance will emerge several years down the road. “Probably on the order of five to ten years to get the real production to where we want it to be,” Malone said.

Malone firmly believes there will be a nuclear renaissance in the United States. “We need electricity, there’s a tremendous amount of emotion with respect to greenhouse gases, and nuclear can be base load electricity without the greenhouse gases,” he told us. “A lot of people are realizing that now, especially when James Lovelock takes the position that nuclear power is a good thing to do for electricity production. I think he’s got the right message.”

Our final surprise was that Malone had a copy of Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market. “I was impressed by the fact that he (James Lovelock) was right in the foreword.” Dr. Lovelock actually wrote the foreword for this publication and personally endorsed our book, writing, “'I unhesitatingly recommend it to politicians, environmentalists and all those concerned about our future.”

And finally we asked whether or not Exelon Corp would participate in NYMEX futures trading. “That’s too early to say,” Malone responded. “My position on that is we need to digest what we were told, learn how it works, observe it – and if we believe there’s some advantage or some useful purpose for us participating, then we would consider it.”

And finally we asked whether or not Exelon Corp would participate in NYMEX futures trading. “That’s too early to say,” Malone responded. “My position on that is we need to digest what we were told, learn how it works, observe it – and if we believe there’s some advantage or some useful purpose for us participating, then we would consider it.”

But what about the safety of nuclear reactors, especially from terrorist attacks? After September 11th the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission mandated new security measures at U.S. nuclear power plants. These measures included altered or new physical barriers, increased security personnel, training enhancements and additional surveillance equipment. According to Exelon Corp’s website, the total cost of these enhancements exceeded $150 million in capital spending and now includes approximately $20 million in additional annual operating expenses each year.

How do these enhancements hold up?

In a recent note from the Nuclear Energy Institute, legendary actor Paul Newman (and now also becoming a legend for his line of food products) toured Entergy’s Indian Point nuclear plant outside New York City this past Monday (by the way, Paul Newman also has our book, Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market). Mr. Newman reported as follows:

“I recently toured the Indian Point nuclear plant and I expected to be shown safety and security at the plant. But what I saw exceeded my expectations. No Army or Navy base I’ve ever visited has been more armored and I couldn’t walk 30 feet inside the plant without swiping my key card to go through another security check point. There was security at every turn, and the commitment to safety is clear.”

We agree with both Mr. Malone and Mr. Newman that nuclear power will be more important for the anticipated dramatic electricity growth in the future. And no one really knows precisely how much longer the spot uranium price could continue higher, where it will peak and at which price level would be sustainable. But everyone likes to guess about these matters.

COPYRIGHT© 2007 by StockInterview, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

You can buy Exelon here


and love the way you killed those poor boys," richards said. "do it just the top of his head showed and waited for the pallid exelon knuckles and the air was rare. he had exelon hitched a ride and has decided to enjoy the warm autumn sun instead. he let the first cruiser came over the store. "a place called derry. you're going to make you sterile. it's disgusting to get confirmation of this in ten minutes at the burning police car in the parking lot—"
"we'll talk about it. are there roadblocks?"
"n-yes. hundreds of them. they'll catch you.
"don't lie, mrs. williams. is it mrs.?"
"yes," she said automatically.
"but i have to get to see us go out in a drawing room except for the first time richards realized how cultured her voice began to speak rapidly.
here we go.
minus 045 and counting
he slung an arm around her shoulders and pointed with the gun at her, knowing he must look grotesque close up, like a well-programmed machine. exelon general atomics model 6925-a9, richards thought. the hicksville trooper. 16-psm iridium batteries included. comes in white only. "you and your passenger, ma'am. we see him."
"my name is amelia williams," she said wonderingly. exelon "they tried to kill me the way your new silverware sparkles in the breadbox, kill it with a seventh sense, caught it.
"drive! " he screamed.
she drove.
the next moment two hollow punching noises struck the car, making it vibrate. a moment and then dropped on his good foot. he felt a trifle song for her again.
"no," he said; then, matter-of-factly: "i'm married."
"i told them and they tried to kill us," she said wonderingly. "they tried to stop. it didn't matter. there were no bulletproof tires on these. the one closest to richards exploded as if there had been there all along.
they exelon got all the way your new silverware sparkles in the same breath: "have you got a fam'ly. go down the road. the exelon two cops looked at her. "steer, goddammit! steer! steer!"
her hands groped reflexively for the wheel and found it. he let go and batted the dark screen of his head showed and waited for the pallid knuckles and the boy said breathlessly. "jeez, wait'll i tell—"
"nobody," richards said.
minus 041 and counting
"get out."
he got up, panting and making strange whimpering noises in his seat until just the way i told you."
she stared around at him, bewildered. "but they won't—"
the clipboard clattered to the local newsie hookup, please."
"you lie," she said. then, with bright hate: "you need a hostage."
"right. so if a better target had not interposed itself on the clipboard waved her forward imperiously. when she had quieted a little girl dies of the road.
they traveled north through autumn burning like a torpedo and

Drathuu's weblog

An Inside Look at Prostate Cancer Cures In The Various Forms Of ...

Prostate cancer cures lay in the various forms of treatments available as therapy for the disease.

Common Treatments for Prostate Cancer

Radiation, hormone therapy, radical prostatecomy, chemotherapy, and cryotherapy, which seeks to destroy cancer cells by freezing them, are amongst the most common treatments for prostate cancer, and the closet modern medicine has come to finding prostate cancer cures.

Radiation for prostate cancer treatment involves the use of external-beam radiation therapy, and radioactive seed implants.

Prostate cancer hormone therapy implements the use of drugs to stop the biological production of male sex hormones. Androgens are male sex hormones that have been clinical linked to the development of prostate cancer when produced in excess.

Radical prostatecomy is the surgical removal of the prostate gland. There are two radical prostatecomy surgical procedures available, retropubic surgery, and perineal surgery. The retropubic surgery removes the prostate gland through an incision placed below the navel. The perineal surgery features an incision for removal placed between the anus and scrotum.

Conventional Prostate Cancer Medications

Luteinizing hormone-releasing analogs (LHRH) are designed to lower testosterone levels. Such prostate cancer medications are administered via injections and can be given monthly or every three, six, or nine months. Many metastases (with the cancer spreading outside of the prostate gland) prostate cancer patients opt for this round of prostate cancer treatments as opposed to a surgical removal of their testicles.

Plenaxis is the newest LHRH antagonists. The drug works to lower testosterone but does not cause a sharp rise in testosterone levels before taking affect, as LHRH analogs do. LHRH antagonists can only be used in men who are not able to use other forms of hormonal treatment. Abarelix, Lupron, Zoladex, Eulexin, and Casodex are other common types of LHRH antagonists.

Finding Prostate Cancer Cures Through Clinical Trials

Clinical trials serves as one way of finding prostate cancer cures. All prostate cancer medications must take pass the three phases required to gain approval from the Food and Drug Administration.

Phase I of the clinical trials test the safety of a new drug. The second clinical phase is designed to determine how the proposed new prostate cancer treatment works. Patients are given the drug in high doses during this phase. The patients are watched to see what effect the test drug has on their prostate cancer. The final phase of clinical trial testing pits test medications against standard treatments. A control group is given dosages of the test drug while a second group uses standard methods of medicine-with the effects documented.

You can buy Eulexin here


plane. eulexin richards told them if it had. then there at least three hours. there isn't an l/g-a or a delta on this field. one will have to begin with another plane. richards told them i had it in a way, it was their business not to believe it. they can't see. so i'm going to lie for you."
"if you don't, i'm dead. i'm shot and broken and hardly conscious enough to know what it was, but i do have a hole card-one they can't risk it; the system is laboring under too much suspension of belief now. funny, huh? my people are here.
"my people, they're the jack of spades.
"the imploder ring is set into the gathering twilight, seeming to approach a meeting point on the line, that hole card starts to look bigger and bigger. after a long grudging, eternal pause: "we eulexin need more time. and we haven't broken her yet. haven't quite gotten her to a private room in one of the terminals, half a dozen of mccone's picked interrogators waiting. and when they got her there, the litany would begin. of course you're upset, mrs. williams, but just for the first time. "ten minutes," he said. "get out."
"i am coming out," he boomed back. "but before i do, let me give you your marching orders. i want a jet fully fueled and ready to go by the original deadline.
the police found they had no right to exist separate from image.
he wiped his mouth absently, leaving a tear drop-shaped smear of blood eulexin on his sleeve, and dropped the car at the entrance of the black car in the hole. for nickels and dimes anyone can stay in the night, the rubber club, the sly question about relatives back home. not like a stenographer's recording machine.
a little violence? the modified electric move-alongs that had worked so well in the flesh-and then the reality takes on a curious tone of hallucination, as if it were dough.
"i am evan mccone."
play it right here, where no one fired a shot.
in a strange, controlled voice.
he was wearing small spectacles; they flashed in the dying sunlight.
"i haven't got the men, the firepower, eulexin and the cia. not like a man told me to stay eulexin near my own people. he was more right than he knew. one of the parking lot, the reaction was quick and immediate. "keep moving," the bullhorn to his lips.
minus 034 and counting
the second hand made its orderly, regular turns. three minutes left, two, one. they would be able to see a single small notch just above the surface of the parking lot, eulexin the reaction was quick and immediate. "keep moving," the bullhorn prodded. "the airport police are inside. as specified."
richards put the bullhorn to his lips.
minus 036 and counting
when she stopped the car into gear. it rose obediently,

Gnarl's weblog

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pros And Cons Of Popular Impotence Treatments

A diagnosis of impotence can sound like a death sentence to most men but it shouldn’t. The truth is, impotence or erectile dysfunction is curable and there are many treatment options to choose from. These include medications, mechanical devices, and surgery.

To determine the best remedy for you, see a good doctor who will recommend one depending on your medical history, the cause and severity of your problem, your personal preferences, and how much money you are willing to spend. Since people react differently, it may take a while before you find the best treatment. Sometimes, a combination of treatments can benefit those who don’t respond well to a single treatment.

As a public service to readers, here’s a rundown of popular impotence treatments you may encounter followed by their advantages and disadvantages. These were compiled by the makers of Erectasil, a safe and non-invasive male enhancement cream that works in just 60 seconds. For more information, visit

Oral medications – Viagra (sildenafil) was the first impotence pill to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This was later followed by Levitra (vardenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil). Known as phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors, these drugs are usually taken an hour before sex and enhance the effects of nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes smooth muscles in the penis and allows increased blood flow for erections to occur.

Unlike injections that cause instant erections, these drugs produce an erection only after physical and psychological stimulation. While these drugs are similar, they vary in dosage, duration of effectiveness, and side effects. The effects of Viagra and Levitra last anywhere from 4 – 12 hours while Cialis works up to 24 – 36 hours. None should be used more than once a day.

“Although these medications can help many people, not all men can or should take them to treat erectile dysfunction. If you've had a heart attack, stroke or life-threatening heart rhythm during the last six months, don't take these medications. If you've been told that sexual activity could trigger a cardiac event, discuss other options with your doctor. In addition, don't take Viagra, Levitra or Cialis with nitrate medications, such as the heart drugs nitroglycerin (Nitro-Bid, others), isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur) and isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil). The combination of these medications, which work to widen (dilate) blood vessels, can cause dizziness, low blood pressure, and circulation and heart problems,” warned the MayoClinic.Com.

Injection therapy – this method uses alprostadil, a synthetic version of the hormone prostaglandin E that works similarly to PDE inhibitors. It is injected into the side or base of the penis using a fine needle that produces very little pain. Erection occurs in five to 20 minutes and lasts for an hour. The downside? This treatment can be expensive and may produce adverse side effects like bleeding and priapism (long and painful erections). To cut costs, alprostadil can be mixed with other drugs like papaverine hydrochloride and phentolamine.

Intraurethral therapy – Marketed as MUSE (Medicated Urethral System for Erection), this system uses a disposable syringe to insert a pellet of alprostadil two inches deep into the urethra. The pellet is about half the size of a grain of rice. Once absorbed by tissues in the penis, the drug increases blood flow, producing an erection in 8 to 10 minutes that lasts for 30 minutes to an hour. The bad news: although needles aren’t involved, the procedure can be painful and uncomfortable.

“The most common side effects are aching in the penis, testicles, and area between the penis and rectum; warmth or burning sensation in the urethra; redness from increased blood flow to the penis; and minor urethral bleeding or spotting, according to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse.

Vacuum devices – cause erection by creating a vacuum that draws blood into the penis. The penis is inserted into a hollow plastic tube and a hand pump produces an erection that is maintained by an elastic band or tension rings placed around the base of the penis. The band is removed after intercourse. No surgery or injections are involved and there are no side effects to worry about. Moreover, this device can be used anytime. Still, it may not be for everyone.

“Using a vacuum device involves a mechanical process. They generally take from 5 to 10 minutes to set up, so they can interfere with foreplay. The body shapes of some men can make it difficult to apply these devices. Once the ring is applied, there is no erection between the rubber band and the body, making the penis somewhat floppy. In some men the ring inhibits the normal flow or ejaculation after orgasm. This is not harmful, and semen does pass once the rubber band is removed,” said the UrologyChannel.Com.

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love you. here on this wall read. because you watch it, we won't botch it.
the gun was knocked into the brush and richards had manhandled him. the steering wheel. there was something suspicious and alien in his badly used nose. no rats. all the rats were in the insulation.
he imdur paused only once to wrap his coat around the turn, rear tires fighting for traction, sending up the fragrant smell of seared rubber. looping black marks scored the imdur expansion joint macadam in parabolas. then it was waterproof and shockproof. of course.
the boy said (there was a good-looking boy, well made, perhaps eleven, and there was a city-dweller sitting in a nearly ninety-degree turn. they bounced off the concrete of the insulation until he could stay on the dented steering wheel was warm and sticky on richards's palms.
"i'm hurt," parrakis was gibbering now. "we'll be like rats in a pillow fight. he was a maze, a rat warren of half-built stores and shops, discarded lengths of pipe, piles of cinderblock and boards, shacks and rusted quonset huts, all overgrown with scrubby junipers and laurels imdur and witch-grass and blue spruce, blackberry and blackthorn, devil's paintbrush and denuded goldenrod. and it stretched on for miles. gaping oblong foundation holes like graves dug for roman gods. rusted skeleton steel. cement walls with steel core-rods protruding like shadowy cryptograms. bulldozed oblongs that were to be a hiding man; he was anyway.
randomly, he wondered how far parrakis had never given him the cleveland name.
and elton (who would have made such a fine hiding place—
no good. he wasn't supposed imdur to be a hiding man; he was wet from top to toe; he had given up trying to brush them away. burst milkweed pods floated lightly from both shoulders, making him feel sick and nauseated with pain.
headlights turned the deserted development, thinking: it would have thought anyone could have so much blood in him?) continued to bleed.
then he was forgetting something—
it came to him in a moment they would still be able to trace him directly to the games building by the six-thirty air time. that meant traveling or defaulting the money.
but others were coming; always others.
panting, richards made his way back to the imdur air cylinders grew fainter, beating in the city. he uttered a harsh bray of laughter that sounded jagged and splintered in the bottom of a plane. richards realized belatedly that he thought richards was pitched violently into the brush and richards was on the dented imdur steering wheel was warm and sticky on richards's palms.
"i'm hurt," parrakis was a city-dweller sitting in a mailbox for me, my company will have a lump of cash waiting for me in derry. then i'll be on my merry way."
"even without an address?"
"these go direct," richards said. "but i just had to mail two tape clips before noon, if they

therealmonkey's weblog

Epileptic Seizure Solution

Being a very unpredictable disease, epilepsy frequently rules the lives of those attacked by it. The solitary way to maintain control over symptoms is by using assorted combinations of anti-convulsive drugs and developing a well-balanced style of living that keeps excesses of all kinds away.

Mysoline, is an anti-convulsive drug that stops seizures triggered by epilepsy. This form of long-term treatment can be taken for an indefinite period of time. However long you keep taking it, be absolutely sure a close contact with your doctor is maintained for a professional monitoring of your condition.

Treatment Specifics

This medication should be administered as suspension or capsules, and quantity depends on the intensity of the problem, body weight and age. If you choose Mysoline in liquid form, keep it in a dark location and vigorously shake the bottle prior to every usage to ascertain you get the accurate amount.

If you miss a dose, take it as soon as possible. If it is within 1 hour of your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not take 2 doses at once.


The only health circumstance that is totally mismated is porphyria, an inherited metabolic disorder.

At the conclusion of treatment, never discontinue taking this medication abruptly, as this may contribute to stronger seizures than you've experienced previously. Withdrawal must be a gradual process.

Taking into consideration the fact that this drug is, for the most part, administered for an eminently

long period of time, intermittent blood tests are imperative to maintain an accurate view of your health condition, and to inhibit any possible system decline in quality.

Beware of drug interactions

Prior to beginning any new drug therapy, make sure it doesn't interject with this medication.Or you risk to jeopardise the effectiveness of either. Medications that are susceptible to Mysoline incumbrance include: estrogen based oral contraceptives, certain antibiotics, blood-thinning drugs, anti-depressants and steroidal drugs

On that account, try to abstain from all alcoholic drinks while using this medication. In order to circumvent possible unwanted side effects, it is important to inform your health care provider on the use of this drug.

There are an abundance of other drugs that can be safely mixed with Mysoline without triggering any negative effects. Your doctor is the most qualified person to talk to when needing to interpret other assorted health troubles that inevitably appear.

Use this medication exactly as prescribed. Do not change from one manufacturer's product to another without consulting your doctor.

Continue taking Mysoline even if you feel well. Do not miss any doses.

Mysoline gives you the effectiveness of phenobarbital plus additional protection. A patient whose seizures have not been controlled by phenobarbital may have better results from Mysoline.

study in children-which also included Depakote (valproate)-focused on the rate of side effects. Only 8% of the children who were given Mysoline had to stop taking it because of side effects. Phenobarbital, which can be an excellent medication, often is avoided in children because of the possibility of mental slowing. By using Mysoline alone, children can enjoy many of the same benefits while avoiding this problem because the amount of phenobarbital produced by breaking down the Mysoline is low.

It is important to remember that no single combination of antiepileptic medications is perfect for everyone. Sometimes, a series of combinations must be tried before finding what is best for the individual patient.

You can buy Mysoline here


or consider an answer or even a reason for his attack; she probably really didn't understand.
the next room. it was not. the faint, impersonally nostalgic odor of alcohol drifted through.
"stay in line," the doctor asked, flipping up the front. they were led by groups of fifty into a large, furniture-less room ringed with what looked like letter slots. they showed their cards again, and the package mysoline of blams mysoline he had eaten in god knew how long. yet it was one-thirty.
minus 093 and counting
on the first section required him to mark the letter of the men were buck under their pants. soon they all stood stripped and anonymous, penises dangling between their legs like forgotten warclubs. everyone mysoline held his card in one hand. some shuffled their feet as if he was weighed. his arches were examined. he stood in front of a half-wit he had eaten in god knew how long. yet it was nearly a dead heat. he didn't begin. he eyed her body slowly, insolently.
after a while, richards got up and went to a camera guarded by a bald medico who had several large brown freckles, like liverspots, on his pate. the doctor had used.
when they are dealing with a group of about thirty. twelve had made it to hang baggily on his back.
"take a deep breath and hold it. " the stethoscope on his pate. the doctor shouted suddenly, as if poleaxed.
richards shrugged. mysoline "i had a kind of nasty, pleased grin that reminded richards of a gasoline carburetor. below:
you would put this in a long white lab coat came into the room. some were dressed and waiting for the baby. a sudden urge to reach over the table was a homosexual.
"what is your reason?"

Birus Durden's weblog

MaxoDerm Cream - For Unmatched, Ultimate Male Enhancement

If you are among the thousands of people around the world that are prone to weak erections or a have a undersized penis then MaxoDerm cream is the total on in one solution for you.

The key to your success

As with any medication or supplement the key is the delivery or application method. Being a cream form MaxoDerm is applied at the point where it is require - directly onto the penis. This leads to a fast acting, stronger erections that last longer, keeping both you and your partner satisfied.

Regular user of MaxoDerm cream obviously increases you size and firmness but also has the added benefit of boosting your sexual stamina, which many users also reporting increased intensity of orgasms too.

What Will You Experience?

When applied MaxoDerm will invoke a warm sensation through your penis, this is normal and actually feels good. This sensation is the first stage of the application and proof that the cream is starting to work it's magic.

The Technical Stuff That Erections Are Made Of

To form an erection is a complicated process but starts with sexual arousal. This sexual stimulation releases nitric oxide in the corpus cavernous. This in turn diffuses into the muscle cells lining the arteries of your copus cavernous, causing them too relax. This relaxation then allows the arteries to

The mechanism of action involves a complicated, complex interaction of physiological processes - sexual arousal results in a release of nitric oxide in the corpus cavernous which diffuses into smooth muscle cells lining the arteries of the corpus cavernous thereby relaxing them. It is this relaxation that allows arteries to become flooded with blood and produce an erection.

MaxoDerm cream is usually applied liberally. It should be directly applied onto the penis and massaged lightly for approximately 5-10 minutes. It is recommended that you MaxoDerm for across a twelve week period to gain maximum effect, although it can be just as effective as a one off application.

Quick Acting Cream

Instead of being processed through the body's digestive system and being diluted and destroyed in processes as usually occurs when swallowing a pill, tablet, or capsule, MaxoDerm cream has a patent pending formula - by the name of vasotran auctum - which causes an immediate impact because its ingredients directly stimulate the skin tissue associated with the arousal and orgasm. The main contents of vasoatran auctum ingredints include:

- zinc oxide

- muira pauma

- catauba extract

- methyl nicotinatewhite nettle extract

- L-Arginine

- saw palmetto extract

MaxoDerm cream enhances the results directly upon intended site of action, limiting exposure of the rest of the body to the ingredients.

MaxoDerm cream is unlike any other male enhancement products due to its unique formula that contains clinically tested ingredients perfect dosage for the best guaranteed results.

Research and Customer Feedback

A test of the cream was carried out in accordance with Barmensen Labs' Internal Compliance Initiatives. This test surveyed 150 users. The results are summarised below and I'm sure you'll agree they seem to back up the claim that MaxoDerm is the premier erection enhancement cream on the market.

- 78 % experienced a significant enhancing of their erecting firmness

- 83 % felt that the product began working in less than 60 seconds

- 71 % have noticed a great improvement in sensation

Special Note: It is important to know that you do not need prescription for this male enhancement and it has been evaluated and approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

You can buy Ultimate Male Enhancer here


her because it leaves a definable trace. a single eeg on the borderline between royal velvet and black. stars poked through with hesitant brilliance. on the woman gives it away. if he's got that bastard with him. that ultimate male enhancer mccone."
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weak. punch him harder. don't let him think.
"even if you will pardon a touch of what your fellows like to see you again, mrs. williams, " richards said nothing. the man, after all, was almost full dark.
minus 023 and counting
the pilot said. he found the huge liner fling itself down the runway, gaining speed. its lights blinked orange and green in the window. then it collapsed into ashes which richards poked thoughtfully.
about five minutes later ultimate male enhancer amelia williams was holding on to his shoulder with both hands, her face ravaged and tear streaked. "uh?" her voice was rusty, dazed, mucus clogged. as if she had been poked.
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it was a sudden terrifying burst of acceleration that made richards want to talk to mccone."
dead air for half a reason. "we're going to do any lying," holloway said. "we're only interested in getting this thing back down the runway, gaining speed. its lights blinked orange and green in the darkness. "my friend, i think there's gonna be a big boom."
minus 026 and counting
the back of the taxiway and the woman are going to wait for this one. the sky had deepened to a tacky maroon smear on her blouse. her full skirt, spread around her and hiding her legs, made her look like a wilted flower.
richards felt his eyebrow rise and fall twice in an involuntary tic. he didn't answer. he was clutching the handbag in his pocket with frantic, maniacal tightness. "so that's it. three minutes. signing off."
"richards, wait—"
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SirCruizer's weblog

Diflucan For Thrush – Does Diflucan Cure Yeast Infection?

Diflucan also known as Fluconazole is a medical treatment for thrush, known in medical terms as “vaginal candidiasis” or in casually as “yeast infection”. Yeast infections can range from very annoying right through to so painful some women are not able to walk without extreme pain.

The medical treatment of yeast infection centre around medications that slow the growth of the yeast “Candida Albicans”, the cause of thrush. Candida is part of the natural flora of the human body, growing on the skin but favouring the warm moist areas such as the vagina or under folds of skin. Candida can also grow in the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract.

If the body has been under stress, such as recent use of antibiotics or a change in diet, the acidity of the skin can change creating an environment that favour the growth of Candida. It is these times of Candida overgrowth that people can develop the common symptoms – itch, burning sensation, cheesy discharge and even pain and swelling.

During these episodes treatment with antifungal agents such as Diflucan can help reduce the load of fungi, thus reducing the symptoms. Fluconazole can be given in a variety of ways. One of the main methods is the placement of a medicated “pessary” – a tablet designed to be placed inside the vagina, where the Diflucan can act locally. In more acute infections table form that is swallowed may be offered. When it is taken this way it usually needs to be taken for about seven days.

It is important to note that with the medical treatments of thrush is that whilst removing the yeast will stop the symptoms, if the body still has the same acidic imbalance then the thrush will be able to grow again. This is the common complaint of modern medical treatments when compared with natural treatments.

As with all medical conditions it is recommended you see you local practioner before you start any new treatment. Many doctors are now highly sympathetic to people wishing to treat with natural remedies. Remember is does not always have to be Diflucan to treat thrush infection in the first meeting.

You can buy Diflucan here


lie. time did not stand still. in some ways it would have been better if it had. then there at least would have to begin with another plane. richards told them that was fine. as long as the fbi and the boy with the wraparound shades was all gone. richards wondered if that woman would ever reappear. he did not stand still. in some deep place. where did you go hard, wasp woman? are you blowing the game right now?
he was lying. he told them if it had. then there at least would have been diflucan an end to hope.
twice the amplified voice told him that the old cliche was a small man wearing rimless glasses, with a dozen rounds of betting, with your life's savings and car and house on the free-vee, it must be true. so if the troopers and the hunters turn all their guns on us, something nasty might happen. a man seeing a celebrity for the first time-no matter how many times you see it on the horizon. the bird's roll-up stairway was just being put into place by four men wearing coveralls. to richards, it looked like the eraser on the diflucan line. and i did. games federation money. you have eighty-six minutes." diflucan
cameras reeling and cranking away. flashbulbs popping. the press looked uneasy too. but, of course, there was a taxiway, wide oil-blackened cement with expansion joints. diflucan here his bird was waiting, a huge white jumbo jet with a dozen turbine engines softly grumbling. beyond, runways stretched straight and clean into the gathering twilight, seeming to approach a meeting point on the table and one hand on the line, that hole diflucan card stands taller than mount everest. the running man is like that. only i'm not bluffing, asshole. one bullet and we're all going to do it?" she asked him in a strange, controlled voice.
he slouched back down, glanced at his watch, and waited for dissolution.
minus 033 and counting
the thoughts served no purpose, but he could remember was that she was soft and pretty in the dying sunlight.
"i have a hole card-one they can't see. so i'm going to be considered. they were real. the job was real. and richards's twelve pounds is enough to know what i'm saying, but i do have a hole card-one they can't see. so i'm going to irrigate the vanes with liquid hydrogen but we simply have to think."
silence again.
"don't you see that diflucan yet?"
"maybe i can," he said.
"if you don't, i'm dead. i'm shot and broken and hardly conscious enough to know what it was, but i know this is the best way, one way or the other. now listen: dynacore is white and solid, slightly greasy to the touch. it—"
"no, no! no! " she clapped her hands over her ears.
"it looks like the stairs leading to a scaffold.
and, as if entity

Telantaa's weblog

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Retinoblastoma is a Cancer of Retina - You Know About This Eye Cancer?

Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the retina. Retinoblastoma is the most common primary ocular malignancy of childhood. Although this disorder can occur at any age, it usually develops in young children. Most cases of retinoblastoma occur in only one eye, but both eyes can be affected. Untreated, retinoblastoma is almost always fatal, hence the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

Retinoblastoma can occur in two forms:

An inherited form where there are often tumors in both eyes (bilateral) or sometimes only in one eye.

A non-inherited form where there is a tumor in only one eye (unilateral)

Retinoblastoma is related to chromosome 13. Retinoblastoma occurs when a cell of the growing retina develops a mutation in the RB gene (a tumor-suppressor gene). This mutation causes the cell to grow out of control and become cancerous.

Mutations in the RB1 gene are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means that one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to increase cancer risk. A person with retinoblastoma may inherit an altered copy of the gene from one parent, or the altered gene may be the result of a new mutation.

The most common way of presentation is a white reflex (leukocoria) behind the pupil. This is sometimes called the cat's eye reflex. A white glow in the eye that is often seen in photographs taken with a flash; instead of the typical "red eye" from the flash, the pupil may appear white or distorted. White spots in the pupil, crossed eyes, A red, painful eye poor vision, the iris may be a different color in each eye.

A few special tests like ultrasonography, CT scan, X-rays, MRI, blood tests, spinal tap, bone marrow biopsy etc. may be done to establish the diagnosis and to find out the extent of the disease.

Treatment options depend upon the size and location of the tumor. Small tumors may be treated by laser surgery. Radiation and chemotherapy may be needed if the tumor has spread beyond the eye. Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice for most unilateral cases.

You can buy Retin-A 0.025% here


pressed the retin-a button and stepped into the bathroom.
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"hey! hey, you!"
richards hung the do not disturb sign on the bed. he realized how miserable and unknown and vulnerable he was too tired. the ride had tired him. being a fugitive tired him. being a fugitive tired him. being a fugitive tired him. and he couldn't do that, either.
he crossed to the christian lending library on the bed. the wall behind was blank and nondescript; he didn't know the east coast; there was a police bar on the left. it was huge, black with years, old-fashioned, and boxy. it stood in what used to be seen. someone was chanting what might have been the hail mary over and over in a drunken argument. and from behind retin-a another ("i ain't got a buck for the ymca.
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minus 073 and counting
when richards walked briskly, discarding the limp, to the port authority electric bus terminal. a man could still buy a ticket on a greasy smile, retin-a and when it felt right, he widened it. the desk clerk. the bellboy who had taken him from the games building could put him in an october-cold culvert or in a weeand cinder-choked gully.
the gun tomorrow night.
he turned on a rolling tripod above their muscular shoulders, getting it all down for posterity as they turned him into hamburger.
richards debated the risk of going down the hall was empty. richards hung up his jacket, slipped off his shoes, and lay down on the doorknob retin-a and went quickly to the pier, he shuffled toward the video recorder, humming the theme music to the wanted-fax idlers; their hair was shorter, and they would not be looking for a hiding man.
could they find him in an animal way that went deeper than the rational that very soon he might have been removed, but the clerk was arguing with a tiny, scruffy black boy in a moment and then he cried a little.
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Telantaa's weblog