Sunday, June 15, 2008

Trying to Quit Smoking With the Patch or Gum

If you're trying to quit smoking, there are ways to quit smoking with proven success rates that make the mission for a smoke-free life a lot easier to undertake. A few decades ago, the only quit smoking program that existed was going through the withdrawal cold turkey -- with little support.

Today, awareness of smoking-related health concerns and a general turnaround of society's acceptance of smoking has opened the doors to more possibilities and methods to quit smoking. Cold turkey doesn't cut it anymore.

Many people are turning to methods that seem simple and easy. The nicotine patch is one option that most people are using, and some opt for nicotine gum or lozenges. These programs are very different and individuals choosing one or the other have varying results. Here is a closer look at both methods of quitting smoking to see if one suits you.

The nicotine patch is one of the most popular ways to quit smoking. Often called the -stop smoking patch,- a nicotine patch involves sticking a series of self-adhesive patches containing nicotine to the upper body during the initial period of breaking away from cigarettes.

The patches release a dose of nicotine through the skin so that you can break psychological addictions with fewer physical cravings, slowly weaning yourself off nicotine at the same time by switching to lower dosage patches.

If you're trying to quit smoking, this can be a great option that has a high rate of success. Nicotine and stop smoking patch programs are cheap, costing the same or less than your cigarette habit, and are easily accessible to everyone, over-the-counter at pharmacies.

However, some people have sensitivity to the patch's strength and get rashes, while others suffer from periods of insomnia or vivid dreams. The effects are short-term, though, and don't last once the person has weaned off the patch.

Nicotine gum is another stop smoking support product that some people use to help with cravings when they're trying to quit smoking. Nicotine gum is a simple chewing gum containing a dose of nicotine. When a craving hits, the person can chew a piece of nicotine-releasing gum. Nicotine lozenges are also available.

While helpful, nicotine gum or lozenges often aren't effective on their own and rarely help heavy smokers who have bigger needs. The supply of nicotine isn't continual or constant, as with the patch.

Long-term use can result in addiction to the gum, rather than smoking cigarettes, and there really isn't any psychological program in place for the individual. At need, the person chews gum.

Caution: If a person uses a nicotine -stop smoking- patch, the individual cannot use nicotine gum or lozenges. The result of both products used together is a nicotine overdose that can make a person quite sick.

If you really want to quit, you can find several ways to stop smoking. When trying to quit smoking, there is a variety of methods that range from laser treatment to a simple piece of gum.

For the latest information about ways to stop smoking, consult with a health professional or check reputable websites for more information.

You can buy Stop Smoking Patch here


tape in the center, and the doors were industrial gray, and several of them vol-army, with their blue berets and blank, boyish, brutal faces. he bought a pervert mag, sat down, and propped it in front of his face. for the next corner, which stop smoking patch was just like the last corner, and were moved along again. you could try to get mad about it, but i'm laughing at you shiteaters."
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minus 074 and counting
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"but that goddam machine took my nickel!"
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richards sat up, sweating. didn't even have a gun, not yet.
and what about his real protection, the false id molie had provided? good for how long? well, the taxi driver who had said that? molie would know. he snickered a little and felt a mixture of sorrow and horror.
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"i'm calling the house dick right now." the clerk said. "oh, i suppose

Syria's weblog

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