Thursday, June 19, 2008

Phentermine and Pregnancy - Is Phentermine Safe For Your Baby?

Obesity is the main problem during pregnancy and may lead to diabetes in pregnant women. As per the latest survey carried out by the various research teams, there are no side effects of Phentermine in case of pregnant women if it is taken as per prescribed doses.

But if the doses of Phentermine are consumed in large quantity, there is a risk of abnormal development of foetus, so to reduce these risks, prescribed doses needs to be followed in proper manner under strict vigilance of the doctor. But it is an advice to the pregnant women that they should avoid Phentermine during pregnancy period because it may lead to gestational diabetes. Sometimes Phentermine can cause various withdrawal symptoms in case of pregnant women. To avoid all these side effects, Phentermine should be stopped before start of pregnancy stage and doctor needs to be consulted for more information about Phentermine.

In case of breast-feeding mothers, Phentermine is to be avoided, so that the newborn baby is safeguarded from various side effects. As Phentermine is from the family of sympathomimetic amines and it is almost similar to the Adipex-P, pregnant women should avoid taking Phentermine. This may lead to an addiction if the doses of Phentermine are taken in large quantities. If doctor permits you to go ahead with Phentermine during pregnancy period, you should gradually reduce the dose to avoid the symptoms of withdrawal. Before opting for Phentermine, please go through the instructions and quantity of doses written on the leaflet. Do not follow self-medication practice, it may result in abnormalities.

Along with above stated abnormalities, there are various side effects of Phentermine during pregnancy period and they are as follows.

• Phentermine may lead to allergic reactions during pregnancy stage.

• You may feel abnormality in breathing.

• Throat choking in pregnant women is a common side effect of the Phentermine.

• It might lead in swelling of lips and face.

• Phentermine may lead to risk of abnormal babies.

• Phentermine may cause abnormal heartbeats and the risk of high blood pressure.

• Headache and the dizziness occur in case of pregnant women due to Phentermine.

• Diarrhea and constipation are other minor side effects of the Phentermine, in case of pregnancy.

• The common and minor side effects in pregnancy are soar throat, confusion, anxiety, insomnia and the abnormal taste.

• There is also a risk of impotency due to the Phentermine.

Basically Phentermine is a type of medication that is used for reducing the appetite and obesity as it simulates the nervous systems in case of pregnant cases.

In general, Phentermine is not recommended for pregnant women as losing weight may lead to under-weight babies or with abnormality such as neural defect in which the spinal has abnormality. In case of such problems, it is better to get examined to have a healthy baby. The examinations or tests recommended by the doctor are ultrasound examination, which enables to check the physical behavior of the baby in mothers’ womb. Even this ultrasound can provide complete details of the head and the spinal cord of the baby. In such cases Phentermine should be stopped immediately.

Women who breast-feed their babies should also avoid taking Phentermine as the contents may pass on to the baby through the milk and may affect the health of baby. Tremors and agitation may occur in baby due to breast milk because the main function of Phentermine is to stimulate the central nervous system and that may lead to side effects. Before breast-feeding, mothers who plan to take the dose of Phentermine, should consult with the doctor.

All of the above information regarding side effects and disorders during pregnancy is only a guideline and not to be treated as authority for the Phentermine users. Readers are advised to discuss the issues with their doctor before opting for Phentermine.

You can buy Phentrimine here


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